You wanna know what’s new? This website,, the much awaited
scrapbook of my projects and adventures. A special thanks to talented artist and friend
Joe Mangrum ( for his initial help, and a very extra special thanks
to Kevin Mathieu ( for stepping up to the plate and whaling this website
into existence….
The exercise of ‘hanging out the virtual shingle’ is by design an analysis of past work, at least,
that which one posesses documentation for. Who has influenced us, and who do we link with
in a very real effort to be a part of the virtual world? What is worth looking at and what is worth
sharing? Hopefully some kind of vibration becomes evident when considering all projects over
time. The juggling act continues.
I am slowly learning how to juggle a mix of the projects that find me and the projects that I
develop and pursue. Right now I feel blessed to be alive, living with and married to love
Haideen Anderson and some amazing housemates here in San Francisco; we sometimes
call ourselves the Famous Grouse Collective. It is both unlikely and at the same time
perfectly fitting that the Dinosaur Demolition Games would be invented here. The Friend Patrol
is about to be born. What kind of unlikely visionary projects are you working on? –
— Tom Kennedy 2-4-08